The Benefits of Microneedling

In the pursuit of healthy and radiant skin, various skincare treatments have gained popularity over the years. One such technique that has emerged as a game-changer is microneedling. Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, involves the use of tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin's surface. Why does it make such a difference?

  1. Enhanced Collagen Production: At the heart of microneedling lies its ability to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a protein responsible for maintaining the skin's structure and elasticity. As we age, collagen production naturally declines, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Microneedling triggers the skin's natural healing response, resulting in increased collagen synthesis. This, in turn, helps to improve skin texture, firmness, and overall youthfulness.

  2. Reduction of Scars and Hyperpigmentation: Microneedling is a powerful treatment for reducing the appearance of scars, including acne scars, surgical scars, and stretch marks. The controlled micro-injuries created during the procedure promote the production of new collagen and elastin fibers, which gradually improve the texture and smoothness of scarred areas. Additionally, microneedling can help fade hyperpigmentation and even out skin tone, revealing a more even complexion.

  3. Diminished Fine Lines and Wrinkles: One of the most sought-after benefits of microneedling is its ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The stimulation of collagen and elastin fibers helps plump the skin, minimizing the depth of wrinkles and giving a smoother and more youthful appearance. With consistent treatment, microneedling can lead to a significant improvement in the overall texture and elasticity of the skin.

  4. Enhanced Absorption of Skincare Products: Microneedling creates micro-channels in the skin, which act as pathways for better absorption of skincare products. Immediately after the treatment, the skin is more receptive, allowing for deeper penetration of serums, moisturizers, and other beneficial products. This maximizes the effectiveness of active ingredients, enhancing their ability to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

  5. Minimized Pore Size: Enlarged pores can be a source of frustration for many individuals. Microneedling can help address this concern by promoting the tightening and refinement of pore size. Through the stimulation of collagen production and the rejuvenation of skin cells, microneedling can lead to a reduction in the appearance of large pores, resulting in a smoother and more refined complexion.

    Ready to try it? David Blatt, licensed acupuncturist, offers microneedling for hair loss at his City Park location. Anticipate 4-6 treatments approximately 4 weeks apart to achieve desired results. Schedule now.


  1. Aust, M. C., Fernandes, D., Kolokythas, P., Kaplan, H. M., Vogt, P. M. (2008). Percutaneous collagen induction therapy: An alternative treatment for scars, wrinkles, and skin laxity. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 121(4), 1421-1429.

  2. Fabbrocini, G., Fardella, N., Monfrecola, A., Proietti, I., Innocenzi, D. (2011). Acne scarring